
Great Gear Opportunity for the Outdoors Lover

If you, or a someone in your family, love to hunt, fish, camp, and do all those adventurous rugged activities possible in the wild outdoors, you probably know just how expensive this hobby can be. As someone who has only dabbled in hiking and camping, I know it’s always best to hear from someone more experienced. Pro Guide Direct is more than just a store that sells great gear. It’s a community of pro guides who aim to spread their knowledge and also give you tips on what to pack.

Guide Pro Gear List

From skiing gear to fly fishing, Pro Guide Direct appears to have covered their ground by offering quality gear but also amazing gear lists from real outdoorsmen.  Hear from Mike Agee, for example, a professional sportsman and 20 year outfitter in Montana. Best of all, learn what he takes on his trout fishing trips!

Pro Guide Direct also happens to be giving away a $100 gift card in a raffle giveaway, which expires 5/31/2014. Just as the weather starts getting nice, here’s your chance to go on an adventure and potentially save some money in the process! Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This post was created in partnership with eAccountable. All opinions are my own.

About Sherrie W.

Sherrie is a part-time contributor to All the Frugal Ladies. She currently works for a small publishing firm in Sydney and enjoys writing about her frugal (and not so frugal) life experiences and lessons learned along the way :)