Welcome to All the Frugal Ladies
Welcome to “All the Frugal Ladies” (cue the Beyonce song to play in the background). Once upon a time, three co-workers were chatting over lunch. One was a health-enthusiast, always bringing to the the table the most simple and healthy dishes. Another cleverly worked out ways to bring leftovers or find affordable lunch deals in the area. The last had an addiction to coffee and unfortunately, found herself going out for food (or cappuccinos) almost every day of the week.
They came together at the lunch table and oftentimes found themselves talking about the challenges of making, saving, and spending money wisely. In addition to venting their frustrations, these daily chats also helped them discover that they each brought some unique angle to the art of budgeting – and each had her own set of passions and priorities for spending her money.
After a few months of these conversations, the girls decided to pull together their resources and create a place online to share their stories and advice. Hence, “All the Frugal Ladies” was born.
Personal Finance with a Female Touch
Here you’ll find down-to-earth ladies taking on the world of travel, shopping, entertainment, weddings, and more … but all from the perspective of being female and on a budget. We don’t claim to be financial experts, but we do provide insights gleamed from our own experiences. This blog is for all the women out there struggling with their personal finances or who want some inspiration on how to better manage their savings and spending. We are also open to hearing from others who have their own stories of success and want to share them with others. Check out our “Write for Us” section to learn more.